Getting started

1. Go to

2. Fill in all info. Please use a strong password with a minimum of 9chars. If you are unable to find your location in the “- Where do you play? -” menu, choose an other country and ask a GlobalMod to set up your country in TheGrid.

3. Fill the Telegram Username field as well, so you can be easier contacted by Mods or Users.

4. Your account now needs to be approved by a moderator. This can take 30min to 3 days. Once it is done, you will get an e-mail.

5. When you have logged in, click “Settings” in the menu to the left.

6. Fill in a display name if you want people to know your real name (optional).

7. Setting up a profile picture: Go to “Settings” → “Avatar”. We automatically import the image from Gravatar. Just use the same Email - then its synced.

8. Now, after you are approved, you can start using our app and upload your stats.

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Maintained bei Dion Segijn


Maintained by Nils Hulsch