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tg_bot [2019/10/28 07:43] dondarknesstg_bot [2019/10/28 15:16] dondarkness
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 +<font 16px/inherit;;#000000;;inherit>**Telegram Bot**</font>
- +<font 16px/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>**__First: Don't do it via our app. Use a mobile browser or a desktop browser!__**</font>
-**Telegram Bot**+
 1. Go to **Settings - Telegram** \\ 1. Go to **Settings - Telegram** \\
-2. Click "**Login via Telegram**" to authorize the Bot to send Notifications\\ +2. Click "**Login via Telegram**" to authorize the Bot to send Notifications.\\ 
-3. Click on "**CONFIRM**" at the Telegram message you just received. Your account is now connected, but you will not receive any telegram notifications until you enable them.+3. Click **"ACCEPT"** at the popup from Telegram\\ 
 +4. Click on "**CONFIRM**" at the Telegram message you just received from Telegram itself. Your account is now connected, but you will not receive any telegram notifications until you enable them.
 {{  :tg1.png?nolink&800x423  }} {{  :tg1.png?nolink&800x423  }}
-4. Click Settings - **Notification****s** \\ +{{  :tg3.png?nolink&800x713  }} 
-5. **Activate / deactivate** what you would like to receive as notofication via Telegram.+ 
 +5. Click Settings - **Notification****s** \\ 
 +6. **Activate / deactivate** what you would like to receive as notification via Telegram.
 \\ \\
 {{  :tg2.png?nolink&800x449  }} {{  :tg2.png?nolink&800x449  }}
 +<font 16px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>**Disconnect the Bot**</font> 
 +If you wanna disconnect our Bot again, just go to **"Settings"** >** "Telegram"** and click the checkmarks and hit **"Save"** 
 +{{  :tg4.png?nolink&800x522  }} 
 +<font 16px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>**Functionality**</font>
 For now, the Bot only sends out notifications. Future improvements are planned. For now, the Bot only sends out notifications. Future improvements are planned.
  • tg_bot.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/02/05 17:13
  • by dondarkness