
OCR Errors

OCR fails to read some of my stats

Please use the link provided in the stats-update-email to send a screenshot/report to the support team. Or use the “Bad OCR” button in the App. Please send the errorreport “what went wrong” in english.

OCR Issues / Missing stats

OCR is only working properly when shared directly from Ingress. Don’t manipulate the image, change DPI or resize it.

First things to check BEFORE asking for help

1. Reboot Phone
2. Only share directly out of Ingress
3. Did you hit the 15% Barrier on one Stats-Update? Correct manually, please.
4. Compare your Scannerstats to the ones online at TheGrid.
5. Change Ingress to Small Icons and try a new Upload
8. “Batterie Saving Mode” COULD produce errors on some devices as well. Deactivate please and test again.
9. Deactivate all tools like Samsung Game Launcher / Manager, RamBooster and all Apps that COULD manipulate the image you upload. This is the source of 99,9% of the failed scans.
10. You did an Android Update / security update recently? This sometimes changes the settings of your screenresolution. Change it back and TheGrid works again.

I have made an incorrect update, how can I fix it?

Just make a manual update here and correct your stats. If you got achievements (medals) because of incorrect data, please contact the support.

I made an incorrect score update and got an achievement by mistake. What to do?

Please contact your Country-MOD

Only AP are shown in my log entry, but no other stats

Make sure to select “All Time” for the upload. An indicator for selecting the wrong tab are also all numbers shown in red right after the upload.

Supported Screen Width in Pixels

(Screen resolutions around 750px & lower lead to OCR-errors. The screensize is to small to be read correctly with all the numbers)

Sharing failed?

You can get rid of this Ingress bug by changing your icon set to “small” in Ingress settings. Then sharing works again.

“Error 400 - Screen Resolution not supported” Message

Your Screenresolution isn't supported YET? Please talk to DonDarkness via Telegram

  • ocrerrors.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/08/03 08:45
  • by dondarkness