Telegram Bot
First: Don't do it via our app. Use a mobile browser or a desktop browser!
If something doesnt work, please deactivate (just once) your Adblocker, sriptblocker and dont use the incognito mode in your browser.
If a VPN is a thing, please use the VPN if Telegram is blocked in your country.
1. Go to TheGrid Settings - Telegram
2. Click “Login via Telegram” to authorize the Bot to send Notifications.
3. Click “ACCEPT” at the popup from Telegram
4. Click on “CONFIRM” at the Telegram message you just received from Telegram itself. Your account is now connected, but you will not receive any telegram notifications until you enable them.
If you need to change your Telegram Account / Name…you have to disconnect and reconnect the TTG-Bot for that to update on The Grid. We only save Telegram names on connection.
5. Click Settings - Notifications
6. Activate / deactivate what you would like to receive as notification via Telegram.
Disconnect the Bot
If you wanna disconnect our Bot again, just go to “Settings” > “Telegram” and click the checkmarks and hit “Save”
For now, the Bot only sends out notifications. Future improvements are planned.